Crown & Bridgework

Dental crowns and bridges are restorations that correct dental problems while protecting and strengthening your teeth.

dental crown is a custom made to fit over a single damaged natural tooth. It restores the function of the tooth and provides strength and support. Dental bridges fill in the space left by a missing tooth to complete your smile.

When Are Dental Crowns and Bridges Used?

Dental crowns have many applications and can be used to correct several problems, including:

  • Severely decayed teeth
  • Teeth weakened by root canal treatment
  • Fractured or broken teeth
  • Broken fillings
  • Large, unattractive fillings

A dental bridge is used to fill the space left by a missing tooth. The bridge is usually made as a single unit that is held in place by crowns on adjacent teeth. A dental bridge not only improves your appearance but also prevents surrounding teeth from shifting out of place and moving into the space left by a missing tooth.

Dental Bridge On Mold

What Does Placing a Crown or Bridge Involve?

A dental crown or bridge can usually be placed in two or three visits. First, we prepare your natural tooth to receive the restoration, and then impressions are taken of your teeth. The impression accurately represents the position of your natural teeth so that your restoration fits perfectly.

The impressions are sent to a special dental lab and are used to create your permanent restoration, which usually takes about two weeks. Before you leave our office, we fit you with a temporary bridge or crown that you wear while the new crown or bridge is being prepared.

Once the restoration is finished, we will schedule an appointment for you to return to our office. At that time, we check the finished restoration for proper fit, making adjustments as necessary. Finally, the restoration is cemented permanently into place.

Before you leave our office, we will give you instructions on caring for your new restoration. The restoration is fully functional, but you should remember that it requires special care to prevent damage and the need for replacement. If you follow proper oral hygiene and schedule regular dental cleanings, your new restoration will last for many years.

I can smile with complete confidence! I can’t now imagine ever being concerned about appearing in photos. It’s just been a new lease of life. Thank you.

Laura H

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